Our Mission

Inseparable envisions a world where mental health is treated as a critical and equal piece of overall health, and where systems are designed with their impact on mental health in mind.

Our Vision

Together we will empower Americans from every town, city, and home to better care for one another by demanding and winning policy that better cares for us all.

How We Do It

Inseparable is a smart and effective agent for change, utilizing a campaign-style approach that results in fast and meaningful progress.

The approach effectively deploys the following strategic approaches:

Run Campaigns

  • We map policy opportunities, focusing on high-impact wins that can be achieved at the state and federal level.

  • We work closely with governors, legislators, candidates and staff members who show strong commitment to change.

  • We equip policymakers with research findings, reports and legislative guides that reveal gaps and opportunities. Testing and polling results help us refine messaging to fuel decisive wins.

  • We draft and vet legislation and budgets in selected states, partnering with top-tier lobbyists to build relationships and drive strategy.

  • We forge partnerships in local communities, providing sub-grants and helping advocates bring their powerful voices to policy discussions.

  • We engage stakeholders who will invest in our agenda, support our change campaigns and help us grow the mental health movement.

Release Reports

To improve mental health in America, we must first understand the current state of affairs. We provide reports with state-level data to ensure lawmakers, advocacy groups, and activists have the information they need to make evidence-based policy.

A Better Response: Improving America's Mental Health Crisis System

While states across the country have made significant strides in improving crisis services in recent years, more is needed to ensure no one’s worst day keeps them from living their best life. To that end, this report features policy solutions designed to advance the following three goals:

  • Everyone in a mental health crisis receives the right services at the right time and has a supportive, recovery-oriented experience of care.
  • Youth in mental health crisis and their families receive developmentally-appropriate services and supports.
  • Law enforcement involvement in a mental health crisis is the exception, not the rule.

Improving Mental Health Care in America: The Access Report

The Access Report features effective solutions under these three policy areas to help address barriers that keep people from receiving timely, appropriate, and affordable care. State policymakers across the country have the power to improve access to mental health care by championing and passing key policies that help:

  • Expand coverage of care
  • Leverage the mental health workforce
  • Promote prevention and early intervention

School Mental Health Report Card

The Hopeful Futures Campaign released state-specific report cards that examine state policies that support school mental health. The policies fall into eight categories—school mental health professionals; school family–community partnerships; teacher and staff training; funding supports; well-being checks; healthy school climate; skills for life success; and mental health education.

State Legislative Guide for School Mental Health

The Hopeful Futures Campaign’s second annual school mental health state legislative guide highlights promising legislation that has been enacted across the country to support student mental health. This guide is intended to provide policymakers with practical policy recommendations that support student mental health, with examples of recently passed legislation, in three categories:

  1. School Mental Health Services
  2. Financing
  3. Prevention and Early Intervention

State Legislative Guide for School Mental Health

The Hopeful Futures Campaign’s second annual school mental health state legislative guide highlights promising legislation that has been enacted across the country to support student mental health. This guide is intended to provide policymakers with practical policy recommendations that support student mental health, with examples of recently passed legislation, in three categories:

  1. School Mental Health Services
  2. Financing
  3. Prevention and Early Intervention

Impact Report 2020-2023

Our job is to build hope and power for those who need it the most. To be bold. To think in innovative ways. To take risks and advocate fearlessly. Put simply, we are here to win – and for those wins to change and save lives.

Learn about Inseparable’s first 3 years. With the invaluable support of our amazing partners, we have accomplished so much – and only just begun.

57 Wins. 20 States. 33+ Million People.

Impact Report 2023-2024

As advocates for hope, we work tirelessly across the country to win better mental health policy. Together, with our incredible partners, we continue to make meaningful change to ensure people of all ages have access to the full range of mental health services and supports they need.

This year we hit some incredible milestones and have achieved 57 decisive policy wins in 20 states that can benefit more than 33 million people.

Champion Lawmakers

Governors on both sides of the aisle have led on mental health. To support their initiatives, Inseparable launched an executive program to provide wrap-around campaign support to advance mental health investment and initiatives.

Inseparable also works at the state level to pass meaningful mental health reform, and to organize lawmakers across the country and aisle to advance mental health policy across the country through our State Mental Health Caucus.

Build Hope

The mental health system has been broken for so long that it’s easy to feel hopeless. But the truth is that there are countless reasons for hope. Most mental illness is treatable. When people get the care they need, they can thrive. People are willing to talk about mental health now in ways they didn’t used to. We know so many of the policy keys: prevention, early intervention, access to treatment, and ensuring people who do experience crisis, have a better experience. We know what to do, now’s the time to go win.

Building Hope Summit

Inseparable convened leaders from across the mental health field for a strategy session to change and chart a course for major mental health policy change. Together, we are working toward policy goals to develop:

  • Mental health care focused on and informed by youth, especially school-based outreach and delivery;
  • A robust mental health workforce, with special consideration to improving reimbursement, including for peers, and appropriately training and incentivizing providers to support historically underserved and marginalized communities; and
  • Innovation in behavioral health care delivery, including through digital platforms.

Empower Activists

Inseparable is the only organization building political power for mental health at the state and federal level. We create channels for activists to engage on priority legislation and work directly with candidates and elected leaders to champion mental health policy. 

Shape Narratives

Listen first; share lessons learned; communicate at scale.

Conducting Public Opinion Research

In the News

If you or someone you know needs help, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 988. Crisis Text Line also provides free, 24/7, confidential support via text message to people in crisis when they text HOME to 741741.