Michigan insurance companies are lobbying in Lansing to block mental health care access.

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Insurance companies are making record profits.1 How? By denying care to people who paid for policies and expect fair health coverage in return.2 Right now, Blue Cross Blue Shield and other insurance companies are trying to protect this status quo and keep Michigan residents from accessing needed mental health and substance use treatment.

It’s no wonder nearly 50% of Michigan residents are going without the mental health care they need.3

The consequences of inaction are stark. Anxiety, depression, overdoses, and suicide are at record levels.4 When kids and adults don’t get treatment, they get sicker. Families suffer. So do our communities. Michigan is in crisis, but it doesn’t need to be like this.

There’s hope. The Mental Health Access Act, HB 4707, ensures that insurance companies must use transparent, high-quality clinical standards of care for treatment. This will return decision-making power to you and your doctors. No more guessing if your care will be approved.

Michigan voters agree—83% say this change is needed.5

Tell your legislator to support the Mental Health Access Act.

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Paid for by Inseparable Action, Inc.

1 CNN. Health insurance companies make record profits as costs soar in US (2/3/22)
2 PBS. Analysis: Health insurance claim denials are on the rise, to the detriment of patients (5/28/23)
3 MHA. The State of Mental Health in America 2023
4 KFF. Mental Health in Michigan
5 Impact Research. Michigan Statewide Poll Findings (9/28/23)

If you or someone you know needs help, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 988. Crisis Text Line also provides free, 24/7, confidential support via text message to people in crisis when they text HOME to 741741.